Dr. Robert Cameron is the Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center.
Dr. Cameron is also a Professor of Clinical Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Surgical Oncology at the University of California in Los Angeles, California and the head of the Comprehensive Mesothelioma Program at UCLA Medical Center and serves as the Scientific Advisor of the Pacific Mesothelioma Center.
Dr. Cameron has been treating mesothelioma patients for over 25 years. He is the innovator of the lung-sparing P/D surgical procedure and has performed the procedure on over 300 patients to date.
Dr. Cameron’s approach to treating mesothelioma has always been to “Remove the tumor, save the lung and treat the disease as a chronic illness.”
In Summary, before accepting your doctor’s opinion that you are not a surgical candidate, before agreeing to pursue chemotherapy, or immunotherapy, please consider asking Dr. Cameron for his opinion. He will give the unbiased, unvarnished truth.
Phone: 310-267-4612
Email: RCameron@mednet.ucla.edu
“There is absolutely no benefit in doing a bigger operation, like the EPP lung amputation, just because you can.
It makes no sense from an oncology standpoint, because a surgeon cannot rid a mesothelioma patient of every last cancer cell and cure them that won’t happen. Once you accept that, then you can understand why P/D is the best surgical option with the least side effects, the least chance of dying and a better chance of getting as much tumor clearance as possible.”
-Dr. Robert Cameron, 2020